Laying it down straight up | following breadcrumbs

These are words pulled from an application for mentorship. Straight up. No exclusions.

Just laid out & rearranged for you to see my heart.
And as you’ll see, my heart was on fire.
Bold. Fierce. and Clear.
I’m re-inspired by myself .

I am on the brink of truly understanding how my gifts are meant to come through

Downloads galore recently & I am stepping into the coaching game fast & furious and inspired to share my medicine with the world.

I know I am here to raise human consciousness, to be a light in the darkness, to inspire... and to help heal & awaken humanity.

It is no small task and I am honored to have achieved this level of understanding of why I came this time around - despite how hard the journey has been.

It feels victorious and I am so fuckin aligned & following the breadcrumbs of spirit.

I know I am meant to be a fierce force of love & healing. And I know its my time to claim this divine birthright and the work I have done over so many lifetimes to bring it all back in this one...

I am a chosen one. And its getting clearer daily..

most recent downloads & remembrances are connection to ISIS as high priestess & I am and have been a flame keeper in many lifetimes... including Lemuria... (that ones a new one in the last 2-3 week) & I am so on fire and so proud of myself in seeing how my soul knew & my messaging is already reflecting that...

AND I am early in the coaching game and have so much to learn to make divine impact & income. BAM!

It feels so fucking good to write this to someone I know will understand and honor!

highlights of my winding & wild path

Thats what I'm trying to get clear on. I'm a percolated & watcher and my true path of spirituality was reignited about 6-7 years ago with a integrated yoga therapy teacher training....

the path is winding and beautiful and complex.

left abusive alcoholic relationship, went to massage school, awoke to my intuition as a superpower.

2-3 years ago synchronicities led me to some unbelievable magic where I was directly told by spirit though a shamanic healer that they were telling me it was time to develop my psychic and intuitive skills.... and she became my first mentor.

So I've dabbled in shamanism, akashic therapy, reiki & more to develop my skills... and what i've come to understand is that you are always accessing the same information- it just comes through in different ways...

the download of Priestess of Light was confirmed in a magic way:

... then rREST (which i now understand to be a cosmic remembrance modality that has been restored by some brilliant light workers) came along and was the missing piece that allowed me to experience quantum healing like nothing ever before & now I'm launching...

This newish modality i just finished the basic cert in (and have already started the advanced) is by far the most powerful healing modality I've experienced myself if my 20+ year healing journey... It was the missing piece for me to clear all the subconscious shit holding me back from stepping into my power & purpose & souls calling in a very very quantum fast way!  I am beyond grateful.

and figuring it out as I go!

Sacred Rebel LLC came to life a few months ago.

golden nuggets

What attracted you to this coach?

massive magnetism in being unapologetically my BIG self that until rrest I always struggled to accept,

so i dimmed my light and kept myself small, getting stuck in cycles of deep depression because I did not feel I was not able to be who I am in my full expression.

What will the outcome of participation in this program create for you?

allow me to create a legacy of light,

a comfortable life of bliss, pleasure & service... impact & income baby.

I'm meant for it.

The more income, the more freedom to create and bring to life my wildest visions- which at the point are all around creating magical experiences, healing & community that elevates the frequency of the planet.

What’s holding you back?

well... playing small.

pussy footing around and being unclear on the power

I hold with in my veins, and codes of lifetimes as a healer & lightworker

commitment to investment in mentorship…

MASSIVE.. so much. I think its clear with the kind of declarations & investment I'm making in myself... I've done a fuck ton of deep soul healing work and am committed to launching into my souls calling to make income and impact

My only concern is timing.

I've invested heavily (like beyond my wildest dreams I would have invested this much just a year ago)

in myself & coaching & certifications. I have already seen massive returns, but nothing like the magnetism i’m seeing here.

I'm doing it. It's about aligning with the right support at the right time.



Priestess of Light + Intuitive Healing, Empowerment & Sacred Business Mentor

Original responses circa early 2022.

Are you ready for change?

If you are soul level support in healing, transformation, empowerment & bringing your sacred mission & vision to the world - I invite you to learn more and book a FREE Soul Strategy Call.

stay connected and join my world

My Sacred Rebel Society is a fast growing space for inspiration, connection & guidance for those seeking to Awaken. Align. Attract a life that lights you up!

You can also find me on Instagram


My declaration to LIVE. after tragic death of Charles


Notes from the other side of the darkness